The method of the Argentine Civil Code


  • Enrique Martinez Paz Academia Nacional de la Historia de la República Argentina


civil code


SUMMARY. The importance of the method. The method of the Instituta and that of the French Civil Code. Freitas' criticisms. The bases of the method of the Argentine Civil Code. Its development. The criticisms of Alberdi, Lopez and Rivarola. The method of the German civil code and the Swiss civil code. The method of the Swiss and Argentine civil codes. Conclusions.

Author Biography

  • Enrique Martinez Paz, Academia Nacional de la Historia de la República Argentina

    Enrique Martínez Paz (1882-1952) was an Argentine historian, philosopher, jurist and sociologist.

    Son of Pedro Luis Martínez and Constancia Paz, he studied law at the National University of Córdoba, where he later became a professor. He was also dean of the Faculty of Law and a member for 22 years of the Superior Court of Justice of Argentina, of which he became president.

    Bio Reference
    Enrique Martínez Paz. (9 de octubre de 2022). En Wikipedia


Machado - Exposición y comentario del Código Civil Argentino, tomo I, pág. XIV.

Concordancias - tomo I, pág. XXV.

«Revista de Legislaci6n y Jurisprudencia», tomo I, pág. 520.

«Code Civil Suisse- Exposé des motif de I'avant projet» ~ Berne, 1902,. pág. 18.







How to Cite

The method of the Argentine Civil Code. (1915). Revista De La Universidad Nacional De Córdoba, 2(4), 26-43.

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