The lawyer's professional secrecy

(In doctrine, law and jurisprudence)


  • José Zeballos Cristobo Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


By imposing the theme "Professional secrecy" for the "Odilon Barrot - 1925" award, the French Academy of Moral and Political Sciences did so considering its enormous intrinsic importance and its vast projections in the field of law. .

The complexity of the matter that gives rise to this monograph is not lost on us. We understand the difficulties we must overcome.

And after starting the task, we are sustained in the fight by the desire to penetrate the study of this discipline, not with "master's degree" packaging, but with the sincere enthusiasm of a student, with the same enthusiasm that made us cross the cloisters of our university.

This little work, this unpretentious monograph, this effort that we make for our intellectual improvement, must be considered for what it is: an essay of youth.
Among us, on the other hand, we do not have an abundant bibliography.
The note proceduralists avoid the issue. And it seems that the old masters of Argentine law have not stopped sufficiently to consider it.

We must supply all this with our personal research and with our recent studies.
And as the only aspiration of all this, we carry the desire to produce a work that, although small, leaves some useful sediment.
Under such concepts and bases, the present work should be considered

Cordoba, April 1927.

Author Biography

  • José Zeballos Cristobo, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

    Substitute Professor of Procedural Practice, Professional Ethics and Forensic Culture, at the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of the National University of Córdoba.


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Fernand Payen-Gostón Duveau. -"Les Regles de la profession D' Avocat et les usages du Barrea de París". -Edición Pedone -París.

Charles Merger. -"Le secret professionnel". -Edición These -París, 1895.

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León Duguit. --"Las transformaciones generales del Derecho Privado desde el Código de Napoleón". -Edición Beltrán -Madrid.

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How to Cite

The lawyer’s professional secrecy: (In doctrine, law and jurisprudence). (1928). Revista De La Universidad Nacional De Córdoba, 15(1/2), 153-186.