The Structure of the Atom (Conclusion)


  • Alberto Stucchi Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


atom, Alberto Stucchi


Typo in the PDF. From page 1199 of the book (21 of the digital PDF) the page jumps to the number 2000, and the latter should be taken as 1200.

Author Biography

  • Alberto Stucchi, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

    Between 1916 and 1918, Alberto Stucchi, professor of forensic medicine at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the National University of Córdoba.

    He maintained epistolary correspondence with José Ingenieros and elaborated an important "Manual de Medicina Legal". This manual consisted of three volumes; the first one was published in "La Semana Médica" and the other two in the graphic establishment of Bautista Cubas. It is precisely in the third volume of this work that the works of José Ingenieros are frequently used, especially in its second chapter, entitled "Criminal Etiology", where, for example, he reproduces the table of the determining factors of crime that Ingenieros developed in his work Criminology(56); or, in the fourth chapter, where he deals with the classification of criminals that Ingenieros developed; concluding in this respect that "This rigorously clinical classification is today the most complete known, for which reason it is almost universally accepted by most criminologists.

    Cesano, J. D. (2022). Enfermedad mental y delito: José Ingenieros, lecturas y diálogos con la cultura de Córdoba (Argentina). El positivismo criminológico en los márgenes. Anuarios de Derecho, Volumen 75.



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How to Cite

The Structure of the Atom (Conclusion). (1936). Revista De La Universidad Nacional De Córdoba, 23(7/10), 1179-1218.

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