New rights in Latin America, radiography of a political configuration. The cases of Argentina, Ecuador and Venezuela


  • Lautaro Barriga Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Martin Szulman Universidad de Buenos Aires


new political rights, speeches, political strategies, Latin America


Since the last fifteen years have been developed in Latin America in general and South America in particular, different processes of political, social, economic and cultural change. The rapid rise of emerging political forces and actors of various organic crisis in the region, coupled with the success of these governments, led to a strengthening in electoral terms with resounding victories. As a counterpart to these processes, it has been tracing in the region what we call a ‘new right’; which with very different methods to those used during the last military dictatorship, has burst onto the public scene in order to return to market policy, condensed in the neoliberal ideology. In this sense, we analyze the recent settings that has adopted this new right in the cases of Argentina, Ecuador and Venezuela. What's new in the new rights? What is the relationship with the past? Which discursive resources do they take? Which is their place in the post-neoliberal Latin America? Where do their main influences come from? From these questions we start to think about a political actor which little has been made in theoretical terms.


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How to Cite

New rights in Latin America, radiography of a political configuration. The cases of Argentina, Ecuador and Venezuela. (2015). Journal Red Intercátedras De Historia De América Latina Contemporánea , 3, 117-127.