Brazil: Post-democracy or neo-dictatorship?


  • Luis Felipe Miguel


Brazil, 2016 coup d’état, Worker’s Party, Democracy.


The article discusses the status of the Brazilian political regime, following the
coup that deposed President Dilma Rousseff and the inauguration of a new government, which implements a project of accelerated regression in rights and social policies.
Rousseff's and her predecessor’s reformist governments have applied a cautious
program, focused on combating extreme poverty and expanding the possibilities of social mobility without defying the interests of the ruling classes. Even so, they caused tensions and provoked a conservative reaction. The Brazilian case shows how narrow are the limits imposed on democratic politics by privileged groups. It also shows that, even reduced to its more formal dimension, democracy can generate surprises that disorganize the game of the ruling classes. And it shows, finally, that the existing institutional order, even if presented as democratic, is not neutral: when necessary, it breaks with its own rules to maintain social hierarchies and structures of privileges.


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Artículos de Dossier “La bajada de la marea rosa en América Latina”

How to Cite

Brazil: Post-democracy or neo-dictatorship?. (2018). Journal Red Intercátedras De Historia De América Latina Contemporánea , 8, 77-90.