Las mujeres del Tercer Mundo en Estados Unidos y el acceso al aborto. Un aporte a la discusión sobre la legalización del aborto en Argentina


  • Lucía Busquier Universidad Nacional Córdoba


Aborto, Mujeres del Tercer Mundo, Feminismos


From a historical analysis based on the study of a particular case: the legalization of abortion in 1973 in the United States and how this had an impact on one of the most important feminist organizations of the time, the Third World Women's Alliance (TWWA), an organization that saw itself as belonging to Third World women, this paper seeks to contribute to the discussions that have taken place in Argentina in recent times about the decriminalization and legalization of voluntary termination of pregnancy. For the development of this work, some articles of the TWWA periodical publication, called Triple Jeopardy: Racism, Imperialism, Sexism, are analyzed in order to give an account of the position that the organization acquired regarding the problem of abortion. Then, some reflections on this problem and the debates that are currently taking place in Argentina will be addressed, as well as the characteristics adopted by the local feminist movement.

Key words: Abortion; Third World Women; Feminisms.


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How to Cite

Las mujeres del Tercer Mundo en Estados Unidos y el acceso al aborto. Un aporte a la discusión sobre la legalización del aborto en Argentina. (2019). Journal Red Intercátedras De Historia De América Latina Contemporánea , 2(11), 124-136.