The solidarity and conjunctural imprint of the Mexican left in the face of the coup d'état in Guatemala, 1954


  • Verónica Oikión Solano El Colegio de Michoacán, México.


Solidarity, Mexicans lefts, Guatemala, Solidarity, Mexicans lefts, Guatemal


My intention in this paper is to examine the role of Mexican lefts in the epoch of fierce anti-communism that marked the heinous history of Guatemala in the context of the Cold War. Based on little-explored sources uncovered in the Archivo General de la Nación de México (AGNM), it reveals a parallel history to the coup d’État; some of its facets have remained under an overwhelming flood of historiographical work. My central argument is that conjunctural networks were constituted between Mexico and Guatemala –some public, other clandestine– over a broad ideologial spectrum of lefts with the objective of dissimulating and reducing, through diverse means, the huge impact that the destruction of Guatemala’s democratic bases had on this country.

Author Biography

  • Verónica Oikión Solano, El Colegio de Michoacán, México.

    Profesora investigadora titular del Centro de Estudios Históricos de El Colegio de Michoacán, México.


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How to Cite

The solidarity and conjunctural imprint of the Mexican left in the face of the coup d’état in Guatemala, 1954. (2020). Journal Red Intercátedras De Historia De América Latina Contemporánea , 12, 1-23.