Agrarian Reform in Colombia: Between the Relative Autonomy of the State and the Political Pressure of Landowners


  • Vannessa Morales Castro


Relative Autonomy of the State, Agrarian reform, Landowners


This article is the result of a historical investigation on the position and actions of the historical union of landowners in Colombia, grouped in the Society of Farmers of Colombia (SAC), within the framework of the implementation of the agrarian reform of 1961. As a central hypothesis, it is argued that despite the characteristics of the Colombian State, it retained a certain relative autonomy in its objective of granting land to peasants, despite the political pressure of landowners who used multiple pressure and lobby mechanisms to avoid that the measure was implemented. The text reconstructs the relations between the SAC and the executive branch under the administrations of Guillermo León Valencia (1962-1966), Carlos Lleras Restrepo (1966-1970), Misael Pastrana Borrero (1970-1974) and Alfonso López Michelsen (1974-1978), taking for this the most critical situations, but also the occasions in which the State modified some of its decisions at the request of the union organization. 


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Artículos de Dossier "Reforma y contrarreforma en el agro latinoamericano: proyectos revolucionarios y modernizadores, debates y conflictos (siglos XX y XXI)"

How to Cite

Agrarian Reform in Colombia: Between the Relative Autonomy of the State and the Political Pressure of Landowners . (2023). Journal Red Intercátedras De Historia De América Latina Contemporánea , 19, 110-127.