The Lasallian association in Latin America: Background of the Seminar-Workshop of the Lasallian Family of RELAL (1989)


  • Larisa González Martínez


Brothers of the Christian Schools, Lasallian Association, Teaching Congregations


This article aims to reconstruct the strategies close to the time of the events of the Lasallian Family Seminar-Workshop in Conocoto in 1989 that were implemented in order to develop and strengthen the Lasallian association in the districts of the RELAL, emphasizing in its triple purpose: Formative, apostolic and government. For this, a documentary investigation was carried out in which a corpus of sources was used, among which the Bulletin of the Lasallian Latin American Region stands out, which was consulted in the Library of the Interdistrict Novitiate of Our Lady of Lourdes, in Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco (Mexico). Thus, as a result of the research work, the historical journey is presented that goes from the first associations of alumni of the De la Salle Brothers in France, to the creation of the concept of the Lasallian Family and the publication of the Letter to the Lasallian Family. In addition, the actors and recipients of these actions, the participating Lasallian institutions, the reflections made to achieve the objectives and the background are identified.


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How to Cite

The Lasallian association in Latin America: Background of the Seminar-Workshop of the Lasallian Family of RELAL (1989). (2024). Journal Red Intercátedras De Historia De América Latina Contemporánea , 20, 102-130.