Chile: a peripheral center for the internationalization of the Latin American social sciences and the construction of a regional academic prestige (1953-1973)


  • Fernanda Beigel


Ciencias Sociales latinoamericanas, circuito académico regional, Chile


Even though the Social Cience institutionalization process was taking place with strong verve in countries like Brazil, Argentine and Mexico, a combination of circumstances transformed Chile in a center of social knowledge related to regionalization and internationalization issues, which functioned as an axis for the new regional academic circuit. Chile offered the “academic infrastructure” needed for the emergence of schools and theoretical currents as the Cepal Structuralism and the Dependence Theory. This article analyzes the process of expansion and professionalization of Chilean academic and university fields and the elements that combined in order to transform this country in a place of reception, because of its excellence, of the regional centers and in a Latin-American reference of the regional circuit of Social Science between 1953 y 1973.


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How to Cite

Chile: a peripheral center for the internationalization of the Latin American social sciences and the construction of a regional academic prestige (1953-1973). (2014). Journal Red Intercátedras De Historia De América Latina Contemporánea , 1, 101-105.