In times of the Cordobazo. The situated repertoires of an emblematic protest
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The cordobazo, as well as the rosariazo, the tucumanazo and other similar historical events, constitute paradigmatic episodes of the convergence between popular and student struggles of the sixties. The general purpose of this article is to describe the collective actions that take place in the city of Río Cuarto, during the days before and after the great student worker protest in Cordoba on May 29 and 30, 1969. The research is qualitative. From the methodological point of view the category of “social protest” is used and the repertoires as main dimensions. By way of hypothesis, it is argued that the Rio Cuarto case presents unique aspects of the protest that merit raising it from the perspective of “situated protest”. The sources to reconstruct that historical moment are essentially journalistic. Its complementation with others constitutes the starting point for future research based on the questions raised in this paper.
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How to Cite
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