When Past and Present he imagined the Cordobazo. Political theory and practice in Córdoba

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Laura Segura


In the context of my research on the magazine Pasado y Presente, from which I analyzed the nex­us between intellectuals, working class and armed struggle in Argen­tina in the period 1963-1973, the interest arose to analyze the experi­ence that the magazine represent­ed with respect to workerism and, later, to the Cordobazo in the Ar­gentine cultural scene. This is the area from which José María Aricó, one of the main editors of the mag­azine, recovered the Gramscian notion and condition of “triple or quadruple provincialism” that they would have suffered when promot­ing that political-editorial project. The condition of the headquarters of metal-mechanic industries, the existence of “... a proletariat of re­cent formation that was nourished by young people in the univer­sity and in the technical schools ...” and the urban layout where the city flows They led to a small center, enabling Aricó himself to emphasize the uniqueness of Cór­doba, that “Latin American Turin”, in keeping with the city in which Gramsci developed his intellectual and political life and in whose jail he was imprisoned for years.

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How to Cite
When Past and Present he imagined the Cordobazo. Political theory and practice in Córdoba. (2019). Journal of the Junta Provincial De Historia De Córdoba, 31, 161-179. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/RJPHC/article/view/36744

How to Cite

When Past and Present he imagined the Cordobazo. Political theory and practice in Córdoba. (2019). Journal of the Junta Provincial De Historia De Córdoba, 31, 161-179. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/RJPHC/article/view/36744


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