Brief history of Cordoba currency

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Prudencio Bustos Argañarás


 The present paper addresses the use of the metal coin in Cordoba del Tucuman, from it’s conception until these days. It tells about the resource of the “coin of the land” (“moneda de la tierra”) as a pay­ment method at the beginning of times, when the metal currency was scarce. Also includes a descrip­tion of the pieces that were made at the mint in Potosi, used during the hispanic period, as well as their counterfeits. Later on describes the Province’s own coinage, and other neighbor province’s mints, until the appearance of coins done by the National Government and by private individuals, and ends with the unification and evolution of the argentine monetary system.

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How to Cite
Brief history of Cordoba currency. (2019). Journal of the Junta Provincial De Historia De Córdoba, 31, 277-315.

How to Cite

Brief history of Cordoba currency. (2019). Journal of the Junta Provincial De Historia De Córdoba, 31, 277-315.