Exile, marxism and new paradigms. Argentine intellectuals in México. The case of controversia magazine and Héctor Schmucler. The removal of Cordoban deputies in the congress of 1824-1827

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Laura Eugenia Segura


The practice and theorisation of
left-wing intellectuality from the
1950s onwards is related to the
transformation of a large number
of committed intellectuals and
writers into “Organic Intellectuals”,
according to Antonio Gramsci’s
definition. By proposing an
intersection between intellectual
history and the social history of
Latin American left-wing culture, we seek to address the itinerary of
Argentine intellectuals in Mexican
exile and to delineate the contours
of one of the varied scenarios
where, between the late 1970s and
the mid-1980s, the new paradigms
were produced and deployed.
This proposal seeks to delimit a
series of circumstances that came
together in this “exile space” and
which created the conditions for
the emergence of a “structure
of feeling” - to use Williams’
words - on which some of the
theoretical-conceptual premises
were elaborated that guided
communication studies in the
following years in Argentina,
starting with the journal
Controversia: a publication that
expressed a minority but influential
segment of the theoretical-political
debate on exile life and which gave
shape to its subjective dilemmas.

Article Details

How to Cite
Exile, marxism and new paradigms. Argentine intellectuals in México. The case of controversia magazine and Héctor Schmucler. The removal of Cordoban deputies in the congress of 1824-1827. (2023). Journal of the Junta Provincial De Historia De Córdoba, 33, 101-121. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/RJPHC/article/view/40028

How to Cite

Exile, marxism and new paradigms. Argentine intellectuals in México. The case of controversia magazine and Héctor Schmucler. The removal of Cordoban deputies in the congress of 1824-1827. (2023). Journal of the Junta Provincial De Historia De Córdoba, 33, 101-121. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/RJPHC/article/view/40028


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