Marina Carr No Brasil: Uma Análise Da Tradução No Pântano Dos Gatos...


  • Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Palabras clave:

Irish theatre, Marina Carr, No Pântano dos Gatos..., By the Bog of Cats…


This study aims to present the contemporary Irish playwright Marina Carr, as well as to make a critical analysis of the translation of the play By the Bog of Cats… which was translated in Brazil as No Pântano dos Gatos… by translator, playwright and theatre director Alinne Fernandes. By the Bog of Cats… is one of Carr's most important plays, premiered at the Abbey Theatre (Irish National Theatre) during the Dublin Theatre Festival which is Ireland's most renowned theatre festival.Carr is one of the most influential names in contemporary theatre and the Ireland’s leading female dramatist.Although Carr is one of the most influential names in contemporary theatre, she is almost unknown in Brazil. No Pântano dos Gatos… is an exclusive translation and the unique play of Marina Carr published in Brazil until now.The play has significant cultural and linguistic differences, presenting a dialect from the Irish Midlands region. This Irish play was originally written in Hiberno-English which is a linguistic variation of English mingles with Gaelic idiomatic expressions using metaphors that are not common in the English language. This analysis is based on an interview with the translator along with the analysis of the translation proposed by Berman (2012) and the issues involving the dramatic translation proposed by Basnett (2003). Therefore, this study shows issues involving dramatic translation, including its difficulties and challenges of translating a text with additional criterion of representability. I wish to demonstrate how the translator uses creative strategies to establish dialogues between Irish and Brazilian culture and how the translator suits the text to the Brazilian audience. That said, I will make a critical analysis of the translation focusing on the translator perspective, her most interesting decisions, difficulties and solutions.


Basnett, S. (2003). Estudos de Tradução fundamentos de uma disciplina (Trad. de Vivina de Campos Figueiredo). Lisboa, Portugal: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

Berman, A. (2007). A tradução e a letra ou o albergue do longínquo (Trad. de Mauri Furlan, Marie-Hélène Catherine Torres y Andréia Guerini). Rio de Janeiro, Brasil: 7Letras/PGET.

Carr, M. (2017). No Pântano dos Gatos... (Trad. em Alinne Fernandes). São Paulo, Brasil: Rafael Copetti Editor.

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Fernandes, A. (2017). Translating Marina Carr for a Brazilian audience. The interweaving of memories in theatre and translation. Journal of Romance Studies, 25(1).

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Pavis, P. (2008). O Teatro no cruzamento de culturas (Trad. de Nanci Fernandes). São Paulo, Brasil: Perspectiva.







Cómo citar

Marina Carr No Brasil: Uma Análise Da Tradução No Pântano Dos Gatos.. (2022). Nueva ReCIT: Revista Del Área De Traductología, 5.