The political dimension of technology. Or everything that introduced me to think the design of vents.


  • Julián Gonzalez Laria
  • Rosana Gaggino
  • Jerónimo Rafael Kreiker
  • María Josefina Positieri


Windows, Recycled plastics, Woodwork, Social technologies


Reflections about technology are recurring research topics. The questioning of its purported neutrality and its deterministic vision has a history since the early twentieth century. However, in the area of development of construction technologies where there are important theoretical contributions, there are few alternative practical contributions.

In this paper, some conceptualizations are analyzed, coming from theoretical aspects of technologies and their deepening in the Latin American context, by the hand of social technologies (TS).

Through the emerging of those conceptualizations, this article presents a case study, guided to the development of window manufacturing technology, from the production of plastic profiles of recycled polimer material. The case study aims to add a committed visión to sustainability of technological processes, with a non-deterministic and non-neutral perspective encouraged from the criteria of the TS.

Author Biographies

  • Julián Gonzalez Laria

    Centro Experimental de la Vivienda Económica, AVE-Conicet.

  • Rosana Gaggino

    Arquitecta, Magister en Diseño Arquitectónico y Urbano, Doctora en Ciencias del Diseño, todos los títulos de la Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño de la U.N.C. Directora del Centro Experimental de Vivienda Económica -CONICET. Investigadora Independiente de CONICET.

  • Jerónimo Rafael Kreiker

    Centro Experimental de la Vivienda Económica, AVE-Conicet

  • María Josefina Positieri

    CINTEMAC, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional – Facultad Regional Córdoba.


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How to Cite

The political dimension of technology. Or everything that introduced me to think the design of vents. (2019). Vivienda Y Ciudad, 6, 76-89.