The territory of the home.

First approaches to the daily practices of women in contexts of energy poverty.



House, Home, Energy poberty, Women


The “home” constitutes an indispensable point of inclusion that goes beyond the limits of the built space and also affects the spheres of the reproduction of life and the care work of peoples. Then, it is essential for the exercise of other rights, such as those related to energy access, education, work and health, political and social participation. It is not by chance, therefore, that the “house” has historically been a place of claims, disputes and resistance led mainly by women (Jelin, 2010). In this article we propose to look at the daily experiences of women in a context of energy poverty, from the material and symbolic dimensions of the domestic space. We consequently analyze not only the conditions and material conditioning factors of the dwellings and their link with energy poverty, but also how these households are made up, how energy expenditures are done, how uses and consumption are ranked, what are the  strategies that women deploy to withstand these conditions and the senses that are configured around their practices and their homes.


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How to Cite

The territory of the home.: First approaches to the daily practices of women in contexts of energy poverty. (2021). Vivienda Y Ciudad, 8, 20-31.