The urban housing market

between social structures and real estate materialities in the neoliberal stage



city, capitalism, housing market, rental housing, for sale housing


With the global urban advance generated by the globalization of the economy, of all the possible systems of access to housing in our society, that of housing as a «commodity» prevails, although not exclusive. In this article we propose a review of «urban housing market» in contemporary cities, focused on the period between 1990 and 2020. We believe it is necessary to address its identity traits, the disposition of economic agents and their relationship in the housing manufacturing structure, as well as the manner in which commercialization occurs and the incidence of market as process of transformations of real estate materialities. With the purpose of collaborating in the understanding of such object, a literature review of different authors is carried out.

Author Biography

  • Rene Antonio Romero Alvarez, Profesional en ejercicio libre de la Ingeniería

    Ingeniero Civil Venezolano egresado de la Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado (DIC-UCLA), en 2006. Doctor en Administración y Política Pública (FCS-UNC) y Magíster en Gestión y Desarrollo Habitacional (FAUD-UNC). Email:


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How to Cite

The urban housing market: between social structures and real estate materialities in the neoliberal stage. (2024). Vivienda Y Ciudad, 11, 238-259.

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