Platformization as an urban issue

limitations and challenges in platform governance



Cities, Platforms, Governance, Digital Technologies, Urban Management


The advance of the platform economy in cities produces externalities in the markets and sectors in which it is inserted, enhances the transformation of urban space and generates new conflicts that arise partly from the daily use of platforms by citizens, and partly from the transformation of platforms into infrastructures that connect and disconnect places, subjets, flows and bodies. This article deepens the particular analysis of platformization understood as an urban issue. Platforms take advantage of population density, spatial proximity and the economy of specialization present in cities. In addition, they take advantage of urban infrastructure and equipment, are inserted in urban markets and require the availability of skilled and unskilled workers to operate.

The study of platformization from an urban perspective, therefore, requires an approach to the issues, limitations, and challenges in the urban governance of platforms as a nodal topic of urban studies in the second half of the 21st century. This paper proposes some lines for understanding the main challenges of urban policy in the platform era. 


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How to Cite

Platformization as an urban issue: limitations and challenges in platform governance. (2024). Vivienda Y Ciudad, 11, 31-52.