Causes and effects of economic integration in Latin America


  • Laura Márquez-Ramos Institute for International Trade, University of Adelaide (Australia); Universitat Jaume I (España)
  • María Luisa Recalde Instituto de Economía y Finanzas, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


economic integration, production networks, intermediate goods, institutional quality, extensive margin, intensive margin, determinants, Latin America


The central issue to be addressed in this article is the measurement of the causes and effects of integration agreements in Latin America. The role of integration of two trade agreements, LAIA and Mercosur, in value chains or production networks, in exports of goods, as well as the degree of depth and institutional quality of these trade agreements are studied. In this analysis, a distinction is made between the intensive margin and the extensive margin of trade. Finally, the factors contributing to creating or strengthening trade agreements in Latin America, by distinguishing between economic, geographic, political and institutional determinants, are analyzed.


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How to Cite

Causes and effects of economic integration in Latin America. (2017). Actualidad Económica, 27(92), 5-11.