The Pacific Alliance and the arduous process of Latin American integration 1995-2015


  • Gabriela Munguía Vazquez Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • Osvaldo Becerril Torres Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • Rosa Azalea Canales García Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México


Economic integration, Latin America, Alliance of the Pacific, Commercial exchange


The objective of this article is to determine and analyze the arduous process of Latin American integration and the effect on the main commercial flows and their re-addressing, which has resulted in the formation of the Pacific Alliance in 2011. The interesting thing about this agreement It is the link with Asia-Pacific, after the incipient prominence of the TPP and the abandonment by the United States. This allowed the member countries of this Alliance to negotiate in better conditions their agreements or alliances with the Asian continent. Currently, most Asian countries negotiate bilaterally with the Alliance member countries, in commercially advantageous terms. Therefore, negotiations with a block that already has experience imply minor potential advantages.


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How to Cite

The Pacific Alliance and the arduous process of Latin American integration 1995-2015. (2019). Actualidad Económica, 29(98), 3-13.