Internationalization through Franchises: 100 Montaditos in Argentina


  • Clara Lazcano Mercadona
  • María Amalia Trillo Holgado Universidad de Córdoba y Universidad de Cádiz (España)


Bussines model , Internationalisation, Franchise , 100 Montaditos , Argentina


The article examines the franchise as a way of international expansion. By reviewing the impact literature, the adoption of a specific type of franchise is analyzed according to the level of control taken by the franchisor. Specifically, following the case study methodology, the commercial viability of opening a 100 Montaditos franchise in Argentina is studied, considering this opportunity. It is concluded that it is an innovative business model whose tangible and intangible assets provide the necessary strength for the project to succeed. Likewise, the conditions and characteristics of the Argentine gastronomic market represent a potential segment of interest. Given the above, the master form of franchise is suggested for this expansion.


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How to Cite

Internationalization through Franchises: 100 Montaditos in Argentina. (2024). Actualidad Económica, 34(112), 51-70.