Contributions of the A. B. Frank to the teaching of mycorrhiza



mycorrhyzal teaching, historical scientific texts, major ideas


This paper presents an analysis of historical scientific texts TCH (from Spanish Textos Científicos Históricos) by Albert B. Frank on mycorrhiza. The analysis allowed the identification of three major ideas from the study of mycorrhiza while allowing the identification of conceptual aspects and explanatory resources. For the research, a qualitative methodology of a descriptive-interpretive type was used, consisting of four stages, which were: select, constitute, analyze, and propose. It is concluded that the realization of historical studies facilitates the identification and recovery of ideas, concepts, and explanatory resources immersed in the TCH, which tend to go unnoticed in current curricula and that can acquire great value in the teaching and learning processes of the sciences of mycorrhiza.


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How to Cite

Contributions of the A. B. Frank to the teaching of mycorrhiza. (2021). Epistemología E Historia De La Ciencia, 5(2), 20-41.