“¡Industrial, colegio de varones!”: una mirada exploratoria en clave de género a las prácticas discursivas de estudiantes de una escuela técnica en Bariloche.


  • Matías Favier Universidad Nacional de Río Negro
  • Anahí Mauricio Universidad Nacional de Río Negro
  • Aylen Aureliano Soriani Universidad Nacional de Río Negro


Lenguaje inclusivo, ESI, escuela técnica media, lingüística cuir, pragmática


In this paper we intend to analyze uses and representations of language in terms of gender from a perspective of sociocultural pragmatics and queer linguistics, present in the discourses of students attending the Colegio Tecnológico del Sur, by studying the linguistic constructions of masculinity and filiative strategies present in their interactions. To carry out the research, we formed a linguistic corpus through a survey carried out on a sample of 49 students belonging to all years and divisions of the Tecnológico del Sur College (six years with two divisions each). In our analysis, we explore representations of ESI within the student body, we investigate the judgments about Inclusive Language from the point of view of user and non-user students and we examine the use of certain insulting or insultative vocatives and the filiation strategies behind them.






The emergence of queer theory in language studies

How to Cite

“¡Industrial, colegio de varones!”: una mirada exploratoria en clave de género a las prácticas discursivas de estudiantes de una escuela técnica en Bariloche. (2023). Alma Máter. Student Journal of Research in Linguistics, 4. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/almamater/article/view/41233