INSURGENT CONVERSATIONS: Study Lingüistics in the contemporary reality

An interview with María López García


  • Brenda Munoz Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades


Sociolinguistics, linguistic rights, language policies, Linguistic diversity


The III International Encounter: DDLL como DDHH en Latinoamérica(...) took place on May 21-23, 2024, at the FFYH of the UNC. In this encounter, as described on the website of the FFYH, the discussion centered around “the relationship between linguistic rights and human rights, between the right to speak and the right to have a dignified life, the right to one's own speech and thought, and between the right to say and to do”. Within this framework, our objective was to engage in a dialogue with various representatives of the current Linguistics field on the role of the linguist and "studying linguistics" in the current socio-political context. To achieve this, we conducted a series of semi-structured interviews arranged around five starting questions. In this particular interview, we talked to María López García about "the importance of doing Linguistics in teacher training institutes in contexts where support for science are varied"




How to Cite

INSURGENT CONVERSATIONS: Study Lingüistics in the contemporary reality: An interview with María López García. (2024). Alma Máter. Student Journal of Research in Linguistics, 6(7).