INS/URGENT CONVERSATIONS: doing linguistics in contemporary reality

Interview with Georgina Fraser


  • M. Candela Gottig CIFFyH- SeICyT


Diversity, Linguistic rights, indigenous languages


The III Encuentro: derechos lingüísticos como derechos humanos en Latinoamérica. CONVERSACIONES INS/URGENTES took place on May 21, 22 and 23, 2024, at the Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades(FFyH)of the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC). This encounter “discusses the relationship between linguistic rights and human rights, between the right to speak and the right to a dignified life, the right to one's own speech and thought, the right to say and to do” (FFyH, 2024). Within this framework, our objective was to dialogue with various representatives of the field on the role of linguists, and on what it means to “do linguistics” in the current socio-political context. This activity was carried out by the different members of the FORMAR research project La conformación del corpus como problema y como proceso en estudios de caso sobre diversidad y variación lingüística (SECYT 2023) coordinated by Sofía De Mauro and Luisa Domínguez.    



Como Citar

INS/URGENT CONVERSATIONS: doing linguistics in contemporary reality: Interview with Georgina Fraser. (2024). Alma Máter. Revista Estudiantil Sobre Investigaciones lingüísticas, 6(7).