Implications for experimental technology extractive freshwater crustaceans using pottery. Lácar lake, northwest Patagonia (Argentina)
pottery, northwest Patagonia, Lácar lake, crustaceans, experimentationAbstract
This paper presents an experimental and actualistic study that aims to determine if ceramic containers submerged under water can be useful and efficient tools for catching crustaceans in the lakes of the region under study. The results have shown that experimental vessels, similar to the archaeological vessels found underwater, are efficient traps for catching shellfish. Furthermore, from the boiling of these, all the nutrients could be extracted and concentrated which were then transferred to a cooking liquid or soup. From this procedure, a palatable and nutritious food was obtained at low cost of sourcing and processing, through the use of pottery in both stages: for obtaining or extracting crustaceans and its later cooking. In this manner it is proposed that extractive activities -in addition to those traditionally assigned to ceramic technology such as cooking, storage and/or transportation can be the cause of the large quantity and diversity of ceramic fragments found in underwater environments and the shores of lake Lácar.Downloads
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