Science and intellectual notoriety in Norbert Elias. Autobiographical reflections of my intellectual trajectory


  • Gastón Julián Gil Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata



academic field, My intellectual path, anthropology, anthropologists


The trajectory of one the most important authors of social sciences in the 20th century, Norbert Elias, is not only interesting by itself but also exhibits some complex and salient aspects which allow us to analyze the dynamics of academic fields. In fact, the peculiarities of his work and the late acknowledgment that it received within the field of social sciences are fruitful sources which enable us to question the ways by means of which academic leaderships are consolidated (together with their dense disciplinary networks), and, on the other hand, they also enable us to understand how other productions are located in the margins of the discipline. In this article, the autobiographical work written by Elias will be compared to some situations in the anthropological field in Argentina, which are related to leaderships, theoretical ruptures, disciplinary controversies, and institutional projects. This comparative task will be developed in two different contexts: the central and the peripheral ones. These two contexts provide, by means of analogy and contrast, relevant data for the study of social sciences.


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Dossier Elias anthropologist: figurative sociology, fieldwork and reflexivity

How to Cite

Gil, G. J. (2015). Science and intellectual notoriety in Norbert Elias. Autobiographical reflections of my intellectual trajectory. Revista Del Museo De Antropología, 8(2), 201-208.

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