There is no way to walk, archaeology is made when walking”: reflections on a political archaeology
Archaeology, Praxis, Academy, Science, SubvertAbstract
This work raises a series of questions aimed at discussing the values and norms imposed on Argentine archeology, such as: is it possible to change our practices? How can we democratize and diversify archaeology? How should changes be introduced and from what perspective? Archaeology, in our country, is constrained by academic requirements, which define the type of science we carry out, from how we should publish to what is the object of studying archaeology, through the relationships within research teams. In line with this/Accordingly, everything (practices, methodologies, theoretical frameworks, etc.) that falls outside that predefined orbit/area/arena is often questioned and ignored. From the enumeration and description of various situations, I outline what I consider archaeology in our country. Finally, I illustrate a possible innovative vision that subverts the characteristics of current Argentine archaeology. In addition, I propose/put forward the concept of anarcho-epistemology to face the discipline to which we belong.
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