Hunter-gatherers and niche construction in the Patagonian forest: the case of the Pico river valley (Central-Western Chubut)
Niche construction, Pico River Valley, Patagonia, Forest/ecotone, Hunter-gathererAbstract
This paper is aimed to present a synthesis of the archaeological investigations carried out in the forested / ecotonal sector of the Pico river valley (Chubut, Argentina) and a work agenda framed in Niche Construction Theory. In order to do so we first analyze some of the factors that could be influencing the hunter-gatherer niche-construction process in this environment, for the Late Holocene and the expectations that arise from them, and then we characterize the area environmental and paleoenvironmentally. The results of the excavations and of the different lines of archaeological evidence analyzed are presented and these results are discussed according to the expectations raised. Based on this discussion, it is suggested that the forest of the Pico valley would be part of the exploratory mobility circuits carried out by populations settled in places already colonized /occupied, with the construction of the niche setted at an initial stage. Finally, a work agenda is established to continue this discussion.
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