High altitude human occupations in the extreme Southern Andean region. Archaeological evidence of Valle Hermoso (Malargüe, Argentina).
Height human occupation, Lithic and ceramic technology, Rock art, Archaeology, MalargüeAbstract
In this paper, we have discussed the high altitude human occupations, between 2000 and 3000 masl, in the extreme South of the Andes during the late Holocene. For this, the lithic and ceramic analyzes from the Valle Hermoso 1 site and rock art surveys of Valle Hermoso 2 and Valle Hermoso 3, are integrated. The evidence shows two moments of occupation during the final late Holocene: an early component (ca. 1900-1200 years BP) and a late component (ca. 1200-1500 years BP). The results indicate an intensive use of Valle Hermoso, with a high seasonal reoccupation and modifications in the organization of human population towards late moments, ca. 1200 years BP, with change in use of lithic and ceramic technology. The chronology and the archaeological record show connections with high villages (more than 3500 masl). In addition, the potential existence of formal links of rock art with remote regions, the presence of exotic elements (Coche Quemado obsidian and foreign ceramic styles) could indicate an expansion of exchange networks with distant populations. The results are discussed in the context of the rest of the archaeological sites of the South of Mendoza.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Nuria Sugrañes, Agustín Acevedo, Federico Bonnat, Hugo Tucker, María Laura Salgán, Danae Fiore, Adolfo Gil, Gustavo Neme
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