Naturalistic taphonomic observations in the Hinojo-Las Tunas Shallow Lake System (Central Pampean Dune Field, Argentina)


  • Nahuel Scheifler INCUAPA-CONICET
  • Agustina Massigoge INCUAPA-CONICET
  • María Clara Álvarez INCUAPA-CONICET
  • Juan Rodríguez INCUAPA-CONICET
  • Marcos Recofsky INCUAPA-CONICET
  • Cristian Kaufmann INCUAPA-CONICET
  • Mariela González INCUAPA-CONICET
  • María Gutiérrez INCUAPA-CONICET



Regional taphonomy, Central Pampean Dune Field, Saline shallow lakes, Bone preservation, Taxonomic diversity


This paper presents the results of the first actualist taphonomic observations developed in two saline shallow lakes of the Hinojo-Las Tunas Lake System, located in the Central Pampean Dune Field. The objectives are to characterize the natural processes that favor the accumulation, preservation, and destruction of the modern faunal record in saline lacustrine environments, evaluate the possible biases in the taxonomic and anatomical vertebrate representation, and determine the potential for mixing of the regional archaeological record with naturally deposited bones. Taphonomic transects were carried out along the shoreline of Las Tunas Grandes and Laguna Chica shallow lakes, which allowed us to record the natural deposition of carcasses and bones belonging to a broad variety of vertebrate taxa of different sizes. The most abundant species are aquatic birds and fish in Las Tunas Grandes and small mammals in Laguna Chica. The results indicate that the interaction of different biological, atmospheric and geochemical factors, together with the high coastal dynamics do not favor bone preservation. Although the superficial mixing of naturally deposited bones with archaeological materials was recorded, the chances of a fossil record being formed from the current faunal assemblage would be exceptional.


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Dossier: Studies in actualistic taphonomy

How to Cite

Scheifler, N., Massigoge, A. ., Álvarez, M. C. ., Rodríguez, J. ., Recofsky, M., Kaufmann, C. ., González, M. ., & Gutiérrez, M. (2022). Naturalistic taphonomic observations in the Hinojo-Las Tunas Shallow Lake System (Central Pampean Dune Field, Argentina). Revista Del Museo De Antropología, 15(3), 289-308.

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