Journal policy on plagiarism and publication misconduct. Publication Ethics

The Revista del Museo de Antropología (RMA) conforms to internationally accepted ethical guidelines expected to be followed during the process of publication of original research articles. In this respect, RMA adheres to the standards issued by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) as set forth in, whose main issues are highlighted below.

The Editorial Staff and the Editorial Board Members should provide full description and clear guidance about the journal policy on the peer-review process and its criteria, in addition to informing the specific stage of refereeing or publication submission are at.

Editors should ensure that material submitted to their journal remains confidential while under review and that authors’ and peer reviewers’ identities are protected.

The Editors will make decisions on which articles to publish based on quality, significance and originality of the research and its contribution to Anthropology. The Editors will also publish corrections, clarifications and apologies when needed.

Authors are solely responsible for the content and views put forward in their submitted manuscripts.

Authors should guarantee that their submission has not been published previously or is not under consideration elsewhere.

Authors should ensure that submissions comply with the journal’s editorial style guide, including references, as set forth in Author Guidelines in About the Journal section.

Authors should ensure that their submission for publication conforms to the Code of Conduct for Social Sciences and the Humanities.

Reviewers are expected to inform the cases of plagiarism that they find in the submissions they review.

Reviewers should ensure confidentiality of submitted material.

If a submission is not accepted for publication, a detailed account must be offered by reviewers.

Editors should require reviewers to disclose any potential competing interests before agreeing to review a submission.