Steel industry and economic development: Public and private sector around the Steel Plan 1958-1962, zero-sum relationships?


  • Romina Kasman Universidad de Buenos Aires



public policy, National Steel Plan, collective action, Centro de Industriales Siderúrgicos


The relationship between the State and the civil society in the ambit of policy decision making process aimed to obtain the economic development can be analyzed through the studies of public policies. The present article will work on the relationship established around the National Steel Plan (Plan Siderúrgico Nacional) between the State and its diverse agencies -the national government and the diverse agencies, specially the Dirección General de Fabricaciones Militares- and the main steel entrepreneurial chamber of the steel sector, the Centro de Industriales Siderúrgicos (CIS), during Frondizi administration (1958-1962). In this framework we consider that the mentioned Plan hadn't got a relevant place in the CIS institutional documents called "Memorias" because they only showed the treatment of this public policy having the purpose to not to achieve the objectives of the plan. Instead, the chamber negotiation strategies were aimed to obtained institutional agreements with government for each of its members to assure the establishing of a minimum amount of certainty, in order to facilitate the previsibility in the enterprises management. In this way, we ll observe the possibility to build and evaluate an entrepreneurial institutional behaviour to find if it's possible to configure logic of collective action in political and economical unstable scenery.


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Author Biography

  • Romina Kasman, Universidad de Buenos Aires


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How to Cite

Steel industry and economic development: Public and private sector around the Steel Plan 1958-1962, zero-sum relationships?. (2009). Anuario Del Centro De Estudios Históricos Profesor Carlos S. A. Segreti, 5, 273-296.