"Disguised Alms Accepted": Maternal and Child Health under the Conservative Governments of Jujuy in the 1930s


  • Mirta Fleitas Universidad Nacional de Rosario Universidad Nacional de Jujuy




mother and son's policies, Jujuy, 1930


In Jujuy, the most serious problems with mother and son's health were the large number of deaths in infants and mothers with an increased birthrate. The conservative governments that were in charge of the country form 1930 up to 1940, developed assistance policies in that area which could be considered as a transition from traditional charity practices to other activities centred in the caring of the productive body and the workers' rights. This transformation would be evident after 1943, but the roots of the government policies in Jujuy date back to the decade before.


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Author Biography

  • Mirta Fleitas, Universidad Nacional de Rosario Universidad Nacional de Jujuy


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How to Cite

"Disguised Alms Accepted": Maternal and Child Health under the Conservative Governments of Jujuy in the 1930s. (2009). Anuario Del Centro De Estudios Históricos Profesor Carlos S. A. Segreti, 5, 449-476. https://doi.org/10.52885/2683-9164.v.n5.23259