The Dignity of the Indian in the Writings of Diego de Torres


  • Susana Frías Grupo de Trabajo para la Historia de la Población. Academia Nacional de la Historia



This paper focuses on the human being's dignity concept within the framework of the Post-Tridentine Church and its explicitness in America on the part of the Compañía de Jesús. Diego de Torres - a jesuitic priest - lived in America from 1581 to his death and he gained great experience concerning the aboriginal population related to the Spanish world. The abuses committed through the employment of personal service made of him an active defender of the aborigine, first as a Company's Solicitor in Spain; then by exerting influence on the "Oidor" Alfaro. Finally, as the first "Provincial" of the newly - created province of Paraguay - wich also included the Northeast and the River Plate - he applied there his whole gathered experience. Some of his writings enable to analyse his conception of the human being's dignity, directly applied to the aborigine.


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Author Biography

  • Susana Frías, Grupo de Trabajo para la Historia de la Población. Academia Nacional de la Historia


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How to Cite

The Dignity of the Indian in the Writings of Diego de Torres. (2003). Anuario Del Centro De Estudios Históricos Profesor Carlos S. A. Segreti, 2-3, 321-336.