Paideia and Empire: A Reflection on th jcortscopete1e Value of Culture as a foundation of Imperial Rule

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Juan Manuel Cortés Copete


This paper is concerned with the relationship between Greek culture and Roman politics. My aim is twofold. First, I want to challenge the traditional point of view that held a Roman Ruling Power and a Hellenic Civilizing Power. In my opinion, Greek paideia should be considered as a basic component of the alliances between the Roman oligarchy and the Greek civic elites and, as a result of that, as an essential political tool for the Roman Empire. On the other hand, the Roman politicians and the Greek civic aristocracies sparked a debate on the definition of this new Greek culture for the Roman empire. In the end, a paideia based on the classic tradition and on the civic life succeeded.

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Dossier: Greek Intellectuals and Roman Power


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