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The following article aims to enquire about the generational changes that occurred in the trade union militancy of teacher’s ATEN (Association of Education Workers of Neuquén) around the last great strike in 2007, where the teacher Carlos Fuentealba was assassinated. Thereafter it can be delimited a contemporary generational political trajectory in ATEN’s unión militancy, taking as a starting point the first great strike that took place in 1997. Considering the retrospective impact caused by the last strike action (2007), and on the analysis of oral interviews and trade union documents, this article demarcates historical periods in which the new generations understand the construction of their identity and deploy their militancy within the union. Our hypotesis is that the traumatic way in which the last strike was experienced, shed light about previous transformations that were operating in the subjetivity of the new generations of teachers, which indicates a question mark on the practices that constituted the novel tradition of this trade union.
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