India’s relations with Latin America in the post-pandemic era
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The pandemic has provoked a global health crisis, a stagnation in international trade, and the breakdown of international cooperation. It became the stage where states inequalities and vulnerabilities became evident, like in the case of India. It is set out that events like Covid-19 are agents of change and transformations; it is the time to capitalize on the benefits of bilateral and multilateral cooperation to promote more significant development. The question is what the role of Latin America could be in India’s development policy in the post-pandemic era. Both need a multidimensional strategy to strengthen bilateral trade and to activate agreements of cooperation in different areas that have not been implemented yet or have had limited implementation. The objective is to explore the deepening of India’s association with Latin America to collaborate with mutual development in the post-pandemic era, focusing on its foreign policy, in the commercial, diplomatic, and cooperation dimensions. The research was based on an exploratory and descriptive study, with a qualitative methodology, and an emphasis on secondary sources. The presence of the other Asian giant in the Latin American region has generated many speculations and few concrete actions, beyond the increase in trade and investments. So, exploring the opportunities and challenges that the post-pandemic world presents to the links between them, becomes critical.
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