From the sketch to the thesis. Artistic research in musical composition based on style


  • Luis Pérez Valero Universidad de las Artes


Research in arts, Composition, Aesthetics of music, Musical analysis


The composer-researcher nowadays approaches his artistic product from theoretical perspectives to understand the dimension of his creation. This presentation presents the partial progress of a larger work. As a problem, the absence of research methods in the arts was detected in advanced composition students to define their own music; Based on this, alternatives were sought that, from other areas such as aesthetics and musical analysis, oriented towards style as an object of artistic research. Our objectives are to expose and describe strategies that allow the composer-thesis writer to argue his style, from objective elements from the personal imagination. The methodology was autoethnographic: field records, recording of class sessions, individual and collective reflection, as well as workshops for group review of artistic products; Each student kept a creation log about their own process of creation and stylistic definition. As a partial result, it is considered that the gestation of a personal memory allows self-definitions in the search for a personal voice that can at the same time be evaluated by academic peers.


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How to Cite

From the sketch to the thesis. Artistic research in musical composition based on style. (2021). Avances, 30.