The seductive power. Exhibition networks of photography in Buenos Aires during the 90s



Photographic materialities, Exhibitions, Institutionalism, Contemporary photography, Curatorship


This article exposes the lines of tension of a scenario in which the photographic and the exhibition practice were interconnected in the city of Buenos Aires during the 90s. In this way, it will examine some specific and emblematic cases of the period, the way in which new exhibition spaces were created and the mechanisms that motivated new ways in which the photographic object could be discussed and presented. Thus, it will be argued that these new scenarios of exhibition and discussion of photography made possible the extension of the photographic as a way of thinking about the materiality of the medium. Such conceptualisations only became possible thanks to a structure provided by exhibitions conceived as spaces for the presentation of the medium.


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How to Cite

The seductive power. Exhibition networks of photography in Buenos Aires during the 90s. (2022). Avances, 31.