An analytical approach to Harold Gramatges's Mobile III



Graphics, Gramatges, Cuba, Avant-garde, Analysis, Móvil III


The study of the works belonging to the musical avant-garde of the 1960s is still a pending task for Musicology. This research carries out the musical analysis of Mobile III for flute and piano by the Cuban composer Harold Gramatges Leyte-Vidal (Santiago de Cuba, 1918-Havana, 2008), using the score, sound recording and graphics specially generated for this work. With the aim of revealing and assessing the multiple elements that make up the musical discourse, two graphs were designed to help the reader fully understand the work by visualizing variables such as dynamics-intensity, registers, tempometry and timbre. These graphs are the result of the analyst's interpretation, and are not related to the visuality of the score being studied or the composer's comments during the interviews. The associations of timbres in colors, of intensities/tempos in lines, and of determined/indeterminate textures in geometric figures, helped the analyst to decode the sound discourse of Mobile III.



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Author Biography

  • Rafael Guzmán Barrios, Universidad de las Artes

    Pianista, compositor y profesor en la Universidad de las Artes de Ecuador (Coordinador Maestría en Composición Musical y Artes Sonoras) y en la Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (UNIR). Doctor en Ciencias sobre Arte, obtenido en la Universidad de las Artes de Cuba (2008), con Equivalencia otorgada por la Universidad de Granada, y Acreditado Contratado Doctor por ANECA. Cuenta con un catálogo de obras escritas para audiovisuales (documentales y animación), obras de teatro, piano y música de cámara


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