Process analysis of “Nuestro Vademécum”: conversation and the singular in group creation



Creative process, contemporary theater, genetic criticism, desiring production, Paco Giménez


Starting from an ethnographic work of tracking essays, I propose to develop the perspective of desiring production for the analysis of creative processes belonging to the contemporary scene in Córdoba, Argentina. The analysis work takes contributions from Genetic Criticism and its variant of Criticism in Process as well as from the Philosophy of Praxis, developing my work as a participating researcher. Here I analyze the process of creating the work Our Vademecum by the group Delincuentes Comunes, which I accompanied between 2008 and 2011. The group sustains the dynamics of conversation as a conducive agency where closeness and affection allow associative drift and listening of one's own desire generate the vanishing points to transform the talks into creative events. The process analysis will then develop two lines: conversation as a creation procedure and the development of the singular in the group.


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Author Biography

  • Carolina Cismondi, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

    Licenciada en Teatro de la Facultad de Artes, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, es actriz, docente e investigadora. Es Profesora Asistente y ha sido asesora de numerosos trabajos Finales de la Licenciatura en Teatro, UNC. Actualmente dirige el Centro de Producción e Investigación en Artes (FA-UNC) y es directora y editora de la Revista ARTILUGIO (CePIA-FA-UNC) que se encuentra indexada en Latindex 2.0 y Núcleo Básico, entre otras.


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How to Cite

Process analysis of “Nuestro Vademécum”: conversation and the singular in group creation. (2024). Avances, 33, 125-149.