“Pandemia y espacio geográfico: problemáticas, desafíos y perspectivas”


  • Adela Tisnés
  • Juan Cruz Margueliche
  • Rogério Haesbaert


It is with great satisfaction that we present this dossier on the spatial dimensions of the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic in the Latin American context. Since the first months of 2020, when it reached Latin America and the Caribbean, the pandemic has made even more explicit the great drama experienced in our continent, marked by violence and authoritarianism / patriarchy of power relations and deep socio-spatial inequality in an economy in which plunder, the processes of dispossession and extractivism prevail. The State, called to fulfill its role in matters of social policies at such a serious time, revealed its tremendous limitation, especially in the face of the neoliberal pattern that exists in most of our countries.

It is under this broader panorama that the different texts presented here are displayed, which surprised us by the thematic and geographical diversity of the contributions. Papers have been received from Mexico, Colombia, Brazil and, above all, from different geographic contexts in Argentina. Together, they reveal the depth of the crisis and its multidimensional effects, where the health problem, the economic crisis, the environmental and psychological (in) order, passing through the dilemmas of political management, are just some of the topics analyzed.


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2020-12-23 — Updated on 2020-12-31

How to Cite

“Pandemia y espacio geográfico: problemáticas, desafíos y perspectivas”. (2020). Cardinalis, 15, 7-15. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/cardi/article/view/31703