Main Article Content
This dossier brings together a selection of twelve works, which were presented at the Sixth Meeting of Archaeological Discussion of Northeast Argentina (VI EDAN), held in 2015 in the city of Gualeguaychú (Entre Ríos). Since 2005, these meetings are held every two years and have become one of the main meeting places for researchers, fellows and students who are dedicated to the study of the indigenous past of the region. All these meetings, except EDAN II, generated publications that compile the works presented. In this sense, as a result of I and III EDAN two books were published (Cocco and Feuillet Terzaghi 2010 and Feuillet Terzaghi et al. 2011, respectively); the IV EDAN was embodied in the Special Series of the Notebooks of the National Institute of Anthropology and Latin American Thought (INAPL) (Loponte and Acosta 2013); and from the V EDAN a selection of articles was published in the Intersections in Anthropology Magazine (Barboza and Píccoli 2016). Adding this Dossier, these editions, beyond representing a collective effort of the authors, the external reviewers and the editors, have an important value for the registration of the memory of the meeting and for the dissemination of regional scientific production.
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How to Cite
Barboza, M. y M. Píccoli (eds.)
2016 Nuevos aportes a la arqueología de las tierras bajas sudamericanas. Intersecciones en Antropología 17(1): 5-6.
Cocco, G. y M. Feuillet Terzaghi (eds.).
2010 Arqueología de Cazadores Recolectores en la Cuenca del Plata. Centro de Estudios Hispanoamericanos, Santa Fe.
Feuillet Terzaghi, M.; Colasurdo, M.; Sartori, J. y S. Escudero (eds.)
2011 Avances y Perspectivas en la Arqueología del Nordeste. ST Servicios Gráficos, Buenos Aires.
Libro de resúmenes del II EDAN
2007 Arqueología de Cazadores Recolectores en la Cuenca del Plata. Publicación en CD-ROM. Paraná.
Libro de Resúmenes del VI EDAN
2015 Revista del Museo de La Plata, Arqueología 14(89).
Loponte, D. y A. Acosta (eds.)
2013 Prólogo. Cuadernos del Instituto Nacional de Antropología y Pensamiento Latinoamericano - Series Especiales 1(1).