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Los Viscos is a complex archaeological site in a large rockshelter in Catamarca, Argentina. It has been under study since the 1990s. In 2017, following new research perspectives and in light of the availability of more accurate measurement tools than before, a new archaeological mapping of Los Viscos was started to work as a descriptive and interpretive basis. This paper aims at historicizing the mapping of this particular site through the last 25 years and analyzing its implications to local research. Based on this experience, we reflect about the descriptive and interpretive processes in archaeological mapping generally. This task should consider not only the technical aspects of the survey, but also the previous cartography available and the measurement, recording and representation tools. The process deserves our attention and epistemological surveillance as an exercise of decision-making and negotiations, inasmuch as the history of every site and its narratives are partly based on its cartographic representation, be they explicit or not.
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