History of the institutionalization of the specialty of plastic surgery in Argentina (1892-1952)


  • Joaquín Molina




Plastic surgery, Argentina, Institutional consolidation


This paper aims to reconstruct some landmarks of the history of the institutionalization of the specialty of plastic surgery in Argentina between the late nineteenth and mid-twentieth centuries. The article aims to show the relevance assumed by the international circulation of medical knowledge arising in the context of the First and Second World War. It also identifies the main centers and local pioneers who promoted the development of Argentine plastic surgery in the interwar period. It ends by marking the moment of institutional consolidation of the specialty from the foundation of the Argentine Society of Plastic Surgery (SACP) in 1952. 


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How to Cite

History of the institutionalization of the specialty of plastic surgery in Argentina (1892-1952). (2024). Cuadernos De Historia. Serie Economía Y Sociedad, 34, 6-45. https://doi.org/10.53872/2422.7544.n34.47799