Participatory action research in chemistry teacher training
Methodological aspects for the planning of a didactic itinerary
Action research, Chemistry teaching, Chemistry teacher training, Collective work, Didactic itineraryAbstract
Teaching Chemistry to initial teachers training is a complex task that requires the development of training proposals that consider the approach to the products and processes of the discipline (Furman and Podestá, 2019), from didactic approaches that allow future teachers to build knowledge of Chemistry for teaching at the secondary level (Córdoba, 2015).
This article presents the way made by teachers from Higher Teacher Training Institutes dependent on the General Directorate of Higher Education and the Faculty of Exact Physical and Natural Sciences of the National University of Córdoba, within the framework of a Participatory Action Research (IAP) of an inter-institutional nature, for the design of a didactic pedagogical itinerary (IPD) and its implementation in the curricular unit of Experimental Work in Natural Sciences of the Secondary Education Teachers in Chemistry.
The development of the IAP project contemplates the three moments in which teaching is organized: the preactive, the interactive and the postactive (Jackson, 1992). Each one is characterized by consensual decisions and actions for the definition of the methodological aspects of the research, the theoretical frameworks of reference, the didactic approach and the stations that made up the IPD, around the construction of knowledge about the “Dissolutions” for your teaching.
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