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Didactic analysis of a vocal training class with contributions from the semiotic perspective
didactical analysis, teaching practices, voice education, classroom chronotope, technologiesAbstract
This paper presents the didactic analysis (Steiman, 2010) of a Vocal Education class at the UPC. From a transdisciplinary perspective, located in the disciplinary and experiential boundaries in which we place ourselves as authors, we identify problematic nuclei that revolve around: space-time-subjects involved in the pedagogical process of the class, and in the decisions and assumptions that the teacher in charge carried out. That is, in those components that make up the "aesthetic configurations" of the class (Roldán, 2022).
Methodologically, we took up again the observation records of the class and the exchanges we had with the teacher, also the author of this work, and we were guided by the conjectural script she had previously made and by her teaching project. From the disciplinary boundaries, between communication, semiotics and didactics, we propose our analysis of the classroom chronotope, a space-time where the cell phone is the protagonist although our eyes do not see it, also crossed by a culture of connectivity (Van Dijk, 2016).
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