Foundations of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis: a revisitation


  • Luiz Flávio Autran Monteiro Gomes Universidade Federal do ABC- Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
  • Alexandre Bevilacqua Leoneti Universidade de São Paulo -São Paulo, Brasil

Palabras clave:

MCDA, decision analysis, multi-criteria decision theory


The present paper details the foundations of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) and describes their elementary structure. The paper also discusses the evolution of MCDA methods over the past 30 years and the integration of Artificial Intelligence in handling massive data and collaborative decision-making. By exploring the application of a multi-criteria approach to complex decision processes, highlighting its advantages such as facilitating dialogue among decision-making agents, accommodating subjectivities and uncertainties, and visualizing satisficing solutions as compromises between conflicting viewpoints, the paper aims to contribute to the consolidation of the approach for its practical use by engineers, mathematicians, statisticians, computer scientists, economists, and other experts in Operational Research.



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Artículos Científicos

Cómo citar

Foundations of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis: a revisitation. (2024). Revista De La Escuela De Perfeccionamiento En Investigación Operativa, 32(56).